People Profits Principle #21
What is you overall Human Capital Strategy and are you getting the RESULTS you WANT and NEED? What are your Recruiting, Development, Deploying, Performance Evaluation, Engaging, and Retention Strategies and Plans? Do they all work together or do they conflict and cost you money? Do you need help developing and implementing those strategies and plans?
People Profits Principle #20
Do you feel like your employees are hesitant to give you ideas? Have you ever heard, even once, that a supervisor took credit for an employees idea? Do you have supervisors who need to get credit for everything and seldom give credit to their subordinates? The damage can not be under estimated.
People Profits Principle #19
How many times have you lost a really good employee? How many times do you evaluate your employees only to be depressed by what you see? How much time do you spend trying to develop a "good people" environment only to lose yet another good employee?
People Profits Principle #18
Is your HR function stuck on the treadmill of transactions? Can you not imagine your HR person coming to you with an idea of how to raise revenues and profits? Would you, like most CEOs in a recent survey, give your HR function a 1.6 on a 4.0 scale - a solid D? Let us help you.
People Profits Principle #17
Do you feel like your entire management team has the right mindset about their subordinates working WITH them not FOR them? How much of your turnover is caused by not doing this? How much is this costing you? How do you change this mindset?