
People Profits Principle #29


Do you feel that your employee cost is too high and value too low? People Profits developed a system called "3 for 4"TM that we have used at multiple companies in various vertical industries successfully. It costs nothing to implement and achieves all the results outlined below. Employees consistently understand it and are engaged immediately. One modified version of the 80/20 rule states that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. This might be an exaggeration - but not by much.

People Profits Principle #26


Do you routinely have a "recruiting crisis"?  Are you in a panic because an employee is leaving in two weeks or has already left and you know it will take a while to hire someone? Do you pay recruiters or staffing agencies a lot of money to get someone NOW!? Do you make do with less then qualified candidates? Do you need help? 

People Profits Principle #25


Is your employee engagement close to the average of 33%? Does the entire management team reflect these two core values? All the time? Are some of them trying to fake it? (Trust me - they are not succeeding.) Are some of your executives so task oriented that they come across as uncaring? Do you realize the cost you are paying for 33% engagement?