Employee Turnover

The two causes of supervisory failure

As we all know, bad supervisors are one of the main reasons for employee turnover. Whether they are a newly minted front line supervisor or the grey haired Executive VP it does not matter. There are an infinite number of reasons why this happens. I break it down by two areas which are generally mutually exclusive. You have the bad supervisor created by their personality and insecurities.

Two guys and a truck – the beginning

I know of a company which is now owned by the third generation. In both their marketing for customers and in recruiting they sell themselves as a third generation family business. Tucked into a corner of the Presidents’ office is a cherished family picture. It is of two brothers, probably in their late twenties or early thirties. Behind them is a truck. The picture memorializes the very beginning of the company.

Is it freebies or value which builds engagement?

Freebies are very expensive, time consuming and hard to stop once started. Even worse, freebies don’t work. Freebies can take the form of food trucks, rich benefits, emotional events or activities. The participation level and the impact taper off quickly. Your employees will soon be looking for a new fix with new freebie. I have never seen any of those type of activities work in the long term.

Does your company backbone need a strength coach?

Recently I was involved in a conversation with an executive about what I did. We spoke about the backbone of his company. The people who made him money and helped grow his company. We covered the importance of not having turnover in this area and making these people as productive as possible. After we talked for a while he said, “Oh so you are a strength coach for my backbone!!” I had never thought about it that way; but, he was correct.

Does your organization reek of desperation?

High value employees can smell desperation from miles away. They will have plenty of opportunities and will not go somewhere that is desperate. High value employees always know what comes along with the desperation. They want no part of it. Low value candidates will look for desperation. They know they have a greater chance of being hired. Low value will not care about the other factors as it will not affect them.

Employee turnover is globally consistent

Over the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to speak with numerous people all over the globe. Whether they were in North or South America, Europe, Asia or Australia the discussions were identical. Everyone agreed employee turnover is a huge problem. They also shared their employee turnover never became dramatically better. Many times a small improvement would be short lived.

Management does not listen to us

The above statement routinely comes up in organizations. Management has announced another change without listening to the employees first. The change is based in what management thought the production floor needed. Many times there is a total disconnect between management and the floor. This disconnect will be communicated loud and clear in response to the announced change. It is the floor who will always take the brunt of implementation.

An engine overhaul versus replacing a switch

Years ago I had a car with a problem. You could be driving along and it would just stop. It would not restart until it was ready. When it was ready, it started and ran until it did not want to run anymore. We took it to a mechanic and they said we needed a complete engine overhaul. It was going to cost a fortune. I had several issues with their explanation of the problem.