
Know your virus

In reviewing the poster above, it is clear you must have training and experience to make the correct diagnosis. The average person is not going to be able to look at the poster and know for sure which of the ailments they have. When I go to the doctor, I describe my symptoms and he asks follow up questions. Many times I do not understand the significance of the follow up question which tells the doctor the answer.    

When you say something which creates controversy

As managers and business owners, how many times do we say something that creates an issue? Communication can easily create misunderstandings, disagreements, perceived ambiguity or hurt feelings. If you are like me, it happens all the time. These times can be very difficult; but also an opportunity to open a door to your employees.  This is not a time to be defensive or over bearing. This is the perfect time to be transparent and vulnerable.

The people are ready to get back to normal

I believe that the American people are ready to get back to normal. They are no longer as concerned about the threat of the virus as they are about life getting back to normal. However they are ready to break out of their homes and go out to dinner. They are tired of the politicians and the non-stop blame game. The evidence is clear that the people have made a decision. The demonstrations throughout the country bear this out.  

Managing the bounce

The infection rate for the corona virus is going down in the majority of places. The hospitalization and death rates are also going down. This is all great news for our country and the rest of the world. For the last few days we have heard a lot about how the White House is trying to figure out the best plan for reopening the economy. We have no history or precedent to use as a guide; therefore, it will be exceedingly easy to make a mistake. There are think tanks all over the world, drafting plans which will minimize the time needed to restart the economy. Equally important will be minimizing the risk of the infection, hospitalization and death rates increasing again.