You are building a house, not installing kitchen cabinets

Something happened years ago, which I will always remember. A couple was building a house and they went out one weekend to take a look at the progress. The woman was disappointed because when they arrived at the site, the slab had not even been poured yet. There was PVC pipe sticking up and running around where the slab was going to be poured. The man told his wife they were going to pour the slab later the coming week. The wife’s response was: “When are they installing the kitchen cabinets?” The husband said it was going to be a while. The wife was not happy as she wanted to see how the kitchen cabinets were going to look.  

Getting the foundation prepped and poured right is job one

Knowing who you are as an employer and what you are looking for in an employee is job one. Don’t rush through either one of these two parts. You will pay a steep price for cutting any corners. Living in Houston, Texas for quite a while, taught me how much it costs to fix a bad slab. Houston has more than its’ fair share of sandy soil. You cut corners and you will have problems with the house from the beginning and the solutions are not cheap. The other problem is some of the long term issues can be minimized; but, never fully fixed.

The cost to fix a mistake will be astronomical if you miscalculate who you are as an employer or who you are looking for in an employee. Cutting a corner will result in continued employee turnover and an inability to fill your open positions. You will also have to reboot your recruiting strategy and plan which will cause confusion among candidates. For some time you will have competing messages about who you are looking for.

This will also not reflect well on you as an employer

I have seen employers who were still fighting communication which was decades old. They would still get questions about the miscalculation during interviews. They were also missing out on candidates who thought the old communication was true. The other employers would use the old communication as a way to sell their own company; thereby keeping the old communication alive.

Don’t make mistakes, do it right the first time. Need some help?
