The most important question the CEO could ask his HR leader

"What are you doing to drive "My greatest asset"

to attain even greater value for the organization and themselves?"

This is the question that should drive HR in what they are doing.

  1. What are the specific attainable BUSINESS goals?
  2. What are they doing that DOES NOT HELP MOVE this needle?
  3. What are the OBSTACLES in our way?
  4. How do we MEASURE success?
HR has been given a 1.6 on a 4.0 scale in business acumen

What skills does your HR need to make this happen?

People Profits case study: People Profits has found HR people do be very diligent and have a great desire to make a difference. However, they are not highly skilled in business and financial principles. They need help in these areas. When someone helps them build the strategies, goals and tactics they are very good at doing the transactions that are required. At this point is when the value of your greatest asset is unleashed!! 

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