Learn what needs to be done to fix your Human Resources - at no cost.

Learn what needs to be done to fix your Human Resources - at no cost. 

People Profits Holiday GIFT for you!!


We are giving away five People Profits evaluations for the Holiday!!
Learn where you are losing money and revenue opportunities. 
A $2,500 value. 

The Human Capital evaluation includes:

  1. A Human Capital Strategy and Plan
    1. Specific "to do" line items for all seven elements of Human Capital
      1. Plan - skills, experience needed and at what cost
        1. Including a wage survey for your top 3 positions
        2. Including an employee demographic to enhance your Strategy
      2. Attract - recruit the best people
        1. Including a critique of your careers web page.  
      3. Invest - what training is needed and how delivered.
      4. Deploy - set up your new employee for success
      5. Engage - Aligned with the Vision and Mission
      6. Evaluate - identify your stars
      7. Retain - the overall measure of success. 
  2. Specific line items to increase REVENUES, PROFITS and COST SAVINGS.
    1. Including a cost of turnover calculation
    2. Cost savings by line item.   
  3. A "Roadmap" of what needs to be done and the expected results.
To claim your free People Profits, LLC Human Capital evaluation either call
405-508-1059 or email Clark.Ingram@PeopleProfits.com

This offer is limited to the first five organizations that contact People Profits.