How do you clone your best employees?
How do you clone your best employees?
“ I wish I could just clone Bob."
People Profits Principle #66
There are ways to clone your best employees
Would you enjoy working every day with the same engaged, smart people who share your values/goals?
If I ask a business owner or CEO: "Who is your best employee?":
9 out of 10 times they can identify someone IMMEDIATELY
They know them by NAME and specifically what THEY DO
The phrase "THEY GET IT" is used
When you ask them "WHY?" they are the best employee:
The answer is always LESS CLEAR
Many times there is a definite LACK OF OBJECTIVITY
How long they have BEEN THERE is prominent
They STRUGGLE to pin point the reasons
As the conversation moves forward:
The "whys" come into FOCUS
MORE objectivity comes into view
SPECIFIC personality traits, values, thought processes
But there is a very real DANGER in trying to do this
Click the picture if you are not familiar with this...
So what is the DANGER? Many times a "profile" is created
Based on the employees PERSONALITY or
A set of organizational VALUES or
A set of SKILLS or
Some other set of criteria
We have found this can be accomplished but must be done with serious and meaningful considerations
People Profits case study: For a manufacturing/distribution company, we were able to identify all of the objective criteria we were looking for in our candidates. Using those criteria in our attracting, selecting, investing, on-boarding and performance evaluation we were able to reduce employee turnover by almost 50% in 3 years. This saved $1.1 million a year.
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