Many times benchmarking is used as an excuse not a challenge
For instance: industry employee turnover is 43% and the company turnover is 42.9%
So it is all GOOD!!
Too often, I see this problem in HR. Benchmarks should be a challenge:
- COMPARE TO THE BEST number in the industry - NOT the average
- STRATEGIES and PLANS would be developed and implemented
- RESULTS not excuses would be REQUIRED
- ENORMOUS VALUE through HARD DOLLARS would be achieved
People Profits case study: Challenging the accepted conventional wisdom can be difficult - BUT VERY REWARDING!! Employee turnover can be reduced further. Productivity can be increased. Engagement can be increased further. Recruiting can be accomplished using internal resources. HR costs can be reduced while producing more. Constant improvement is the accepted norm in other organizational functions. HR has been reticent to accept those concepts. When HR does accept the responsibility and the challenge - ROI and realized value is staggering.
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