"The staffing/recruiting industry is $416 billion per year."
Bill Asin, Staffing Industry Analysts
People Profits Principle #36
Recruiters are more expensive then learning how to recruit
Most employers have no idea how to recruit.
They have no strategy, plan or employer brand.
They spend ALOT of money on recruiters and temporary help
They spend alot of time on the activity of recruiting without the results
They don't know how to fix their problems
You need someone to build YOUR recruiting system - saving you money and getting results.
Case study: A manufacturing company hired 45 supervisors, managers, directors and VPs in a four year period. Only one was hired through a recruiter. Saving millions of $$$ over what recruiters would have charged.
So if you feel like your recruiting function looks like this:
People Profits is redefining HR - by rejecting the mindset that created HR. We assist our clients by injecting fundamental business and financial principles into the HR function. HR is transformed from a COST center into a PROFIT center and your HR department into organizational heroes. Our expertise is based on developing a Human Capital Strategy and implementing our proprietary systems and processes that will increase the value of your greatest asset and your BOTTOM LINE.