"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”
Your organization has an employer reputation. Your employer reputation is not what you think it is. Your reputation is what THEY think it is. They may be wrong. It may be easily proven to be wrong. But until you start getting the facts out there and effectively communicate, it will not change.
Indeed.com and Glassdoor.com both have employer reviews. Candidates know they can go on line and read reviews about your organization. If you go to indeed.com and search for your company, you might get your organization or you might find many similar named organizations. If you do not have your organizations profile set up, then the candidates will see a lot of other organizations. The reviews for those organizations might be good or bad. Few candidates will take the time to make sure the reviews are for your organization. They will interpret what they have in front of them as being about you.
Managing your employer reputation is like managing anything else
The first order or business is to set up your organizations page. This is the first opportunity to start communicating your version of the organizational reputation. The company page allows you to communicate what you do, where you do it, details regarding your culture, values and philosophies. They also provide opportunities to discuss your vision, mission and goals. It also allows for a discussion of jobs and benefits.
The organizations page also allows you to set up an alert any time someone posts a review or a comment. A hard fast rule with few exceptions should be, all reviews and comments need to be responded to. NEVER be argumentative or get into a back and forth “he said, she said” discussion. Your organization will be the only loser. Many times the best response is to acknowledge the problem at some level and include what is being done to make it better.
Candidates are not looking for perfection – they are looking for an organization which cares
This gets you started on how to use employer reviews to manage your reputation. There are many other aspects of the employer review platform which can be used to attain the goal. There are also other platforms and processes to shape your organizational reputation.
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